Keywords :
galaxies clusters: individual: SCL2243-0935 - gravitational lensing: weak - large-scale structure of Universe - dark matter - cosmology: observations
Abstract:In archival 2.2m MPG-ESO/WFI data we discovered several mass peaks through weak gravitational lensing, forming a possible supercluster at redshift 0.45. Through wide-field imaging and spectroscopy we aim to identify the supercluster centre, confirm individual member clusters, and detect possible connecting filaments. Through multi-colour imaging with CFHT/Megaprime and INT/WFC we identify a population of early-type galaxies and use it to trace the supercluster network. EMMI/NTT multi-object spectroscopy is used to verify the initial shear-selected cluster candidates. We use weak gravitational lensing to obtain mass estimates for the supercluster