Rotational spectroscopy of diisocyanomethane : J/A+A/544/A82

Authors : Motiyenko R.A. orcid , Margules L., Guillemin J.-C. (hide) , Margules L., Guillemin J.-C.

Bibcode : 2012A&A...544A..82M (ADS) (Simbad) (Objects) (hide)

CDS Keywords : Atomic physics
UAT : Atomic physics

Model (MC)

Records :

Inserted into VizieR : 01-Aug-2012
Last modification : 19-Jun-2017

The submillimeter-wave spectrum of diisocyanomethane. (2012)

Keywords : ISM molecules - methods: laboratory - submillimeter: ISM - molecular data - line: identification

Abstract:Several organic isocyanides have been observed so far in ISM (HNC, CH_3_NC, HCCNC). However there is still a lack of high-resolution spectroscopic data on simple iso- cyanides that could provide a basis for their detection. Diisocyanomethane (NC-CH_2_-CN) is a small molecule having only 7 atoms and being an interesting candidate for astrophysical detection. Rotational spectrum of diisocyanomethane has never been studied before. We measured the rotational spectrum of diisocyanomethane in the ...(more)
Abstract: (hide)
More than 2000 lines of the ground and first excited vibrational state of diisocyanomethane were measured in the frequency range 120-620GHz. They are listed in the tables. The molecule is an asymmetric top and the fits were performed using Watson's A- and S-reduction Hamiltonians in Ir representation. The tables contain line assignments, observed frequencies, residuals of the fits using A and S-reductions and accuracy of frequency measurement.
Roman Motiyenko, motienko(at)

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