M16 SITELLE datacube : J/A+A/635/A111

Authors : Flagey N. orcid , McLeod A.F., Aguilar L. (hide) , McLeod A.F., Aguilar L. et..al

Bibcode : 2020A&A...635A.111F (ADS) (Simbad) (Objects) (hide)

CDS Keywords : H II regions; Star Forming Region
UAT : H II regions, Star forming regions

Observation (OC)

Records :

Inserted into VizieR : 20-Mar-2020
Last modification : 20-Aug-2020

Wide field-of-view study of the Eagle Nebula with the Fourier transform imaging spectrograph SITELLE at CFHT. (2020)

Keywords : instrumentation spectrographs - techniques: imaging spectroscopy - H II regions - ISM: individual objects: M 16 - Herbig-Haro objects

Abstract:We present the very first wide-field, 11' by 11', optical spectral mapping of M16, one of the most famous star-forming regions in the Galaxy. The data were acquired with the new imaging Fourier transform spectrograph SITELLE mounted on the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (CFHT). We obtained three spectral cubes with a resolving power of 10000 (SN1 filter), 1500(SN2 filter) and 600 (SN3 filter), centered on the iconic Pillars of Creation and the HH 216 flow, covering the main optical nebular emission lines, namely [OII]{lambda}3726,29 (SN1), H{beta}, [OIII]{lambda}4959,5007 (SN2), [NII]{lambda}6548,84, H{alpha}, and ...(more)
Abstract: (hide)
CFHT SITELLE SN1 SN2 SN3 July 10, 2016 and July 1, 2017
Nicolas Flagey, flagey(at)cfht.hawaii.edu

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