Keywords :
galaxies evolution - galaxies: elliptical and lenticular, cD - galaxies: clusters: general
Abstract:It is not well understood whether the growth of early-type cluster galaxies proceeds inside-out, outside-in, or at the same pace at all radii. In this work we measured the galaxy size, defined by the radius including 80% of the galaxy light, non-parametrically. We also determined a non-parametric estimate of galaxy light concentration, which measures the curvature of the surface brightness profile in the galaxy outskirts. We used an almost random sampling of a mass-limited sample formed by 128 morphologically early-type galaxies in clusters with logM/M_{sun}_>10.7 spanning the wide range 0.17<z<1.81. From these data we derived the size-mass and concentration-mass relations, as well as their evolution. At 80% light radius, early-type galaxies