Keywords :
Galaxy center - H II regions - ISM: general - radio continuum: ISM - stars: protostars
Abstract:We present radio images within 30" of Sgr A* based on recent VLA observations at 34 GHz with 7.8 {mu}Jy sensitivity and resolution of ~88x46 mas. We report 44 partially resolved compact sources clustered in two regions in the E arm of ionized gas that orbits Sgr A*. These sources have size scales ranging between ~50 and 200 mas (400-1600 AUs), and a bow-shock appearance facing the direction of Sgr A*. Unlike the bow-shock sources previously identified in the near-IR but associated with massive stars, these 34 GHz sources do not appear to have near-IR counterparts at 3.8 {mu}m. We interpret these sources as a candidate population of photoevaporative protoplanetary disks (proplyds) that are associated with newly formed low mass stars