Keywords :
binaries general; stars: individual: "eta Carinae", HD 93308; stars: winds, outflows; stars: early-type; stars: massive; X-rays: stars
Abstract:We report on Swift X-ray Telescope observations of Eta Carinae ({eta}Car), an extremely massive, long-period, highly eccentric binary obtained during the 2014.6 X-ray minimum/periastron passage. These observations show that {eta} Car may have been particularly bright in X-rays going into the X-ray minimum state, while the duration of the 2014 X-ray minimum was intermediate between the extended minima seen in 1998.0 and 2003.5 by Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer (RXTE), and the shorter minimum in 2009.0. The hardness ratios derived from the Swift observations showed a relatively smooth increase to a peak value occurring 40.5 days after the start of the X-ray minimum, though these observations cannot reliably measure the X-ray hardness during the