Colour and spectral index from the SLUGGS survey : J/MNRAS/446/369

Authors : Usher C. orcid , Forbes D.A., Brodie J.P. (hide) , Forbes D.A., Brodie J.P.

Bibcode : 2015MNRAS.446..369U (ADS) (Simbad) (Objects) (hide)

CDS Keywords : Galaxies, nearby; Clusters, globular; Populations, stellar; Colors; Magnitudes, absolute; Spectroscopy; Surveys
UAT : Galaxies, Globular star clusters, Stellar populations, Two-color diagrams, Absolute magnitude, Spectroscopy, Surveys

Observation (OC)

Records :

Inserted into VizieR : 09-Nov-2017
Last modification : 14-Aug-2024

The SLUGGS survey globular cluster stellar population trends from weak absorption lines in stacked spectra. (2015)

Keywords : globular clusters general - galaxies: abundances - galaxies: star clusters: general - galaxies: stellar content

Abstract:As part of the SAGES Legacy Unifying Globulars and GalaxieS (SLUGGS) survey, we stack 1137 Keck DEIMOS (Deep Imaging Multi-Object Spectrograph) spectra of globular clusters from 10 galaxies to study their stellar populations in detail. The stacked spectra have median signal-to-noise ratios of ~90 {AA}^-1^. Besides the calcium triplet, we study weaker sodium, magnesium, titanium and iron lines as well as the H{alpha} and higher order Paschen hydrogen lines. In general, the stacked spectra are consistent with old ages and a Milky Way-like initial mass function. However, we see different metal line index strengths at fixed colour and magnitude, and differences in the calcium triplet-colour relation from galaxy to galaxy. We interpret ...(more)
Abstract: (hide)
The SLUGGS survey is an ongoing study of 25 massive, nearby, early-type galaxies and their GC systems using Keck DEIMOS spectroscopy and wide-field imaging from Suprime-Cam (Miyazaki et al. 2002, PASJ, 54, 833) on the Subaru telescope. The spectra were all observed with DEIMOS in multislit mode between 2006 and 2013 with the primary aim of measuring GC radial velocities. Exposure times averaged two hours per slit mask. All observations used a central wavelength of 7800 {AA}, the 1200 line/mm grating and 1 arcsec slits. This setup yields a resolution of {Delta}{lambda}~1.5 {AA} and covers the Na I doublet to CaT wavelength region. In roughly half of the slits, H{alpha} is also covered.

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