
Subdirectories represent pages of A+A vol. 531

drwxr-xr-x 436 cats archive 8192 Apr 9 11:56 [Up] -rw-r--r-- 1 cats archive 47 May 26 2011 .message drwxr-xr-x 2 cats archive 4096 Jan 12 2023 A103 drwxr-xr-x 2 cats archive 257 Jan 12 2023 A12 drwxr-xr-x 2 cats archive 269 Jan 12 2023 A123 drwxr-xr-x 2 cats archive 229 Jan 12 2023 A124 drwxr-xr-x 2 cats archive 323 Jan 12 2023 A141 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 251 Jan 13 2023 A143 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 4096 Jan 12 2023 A155 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 4096 Jan 13 2023 A157 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 4096 Jan 12 2023 A165 drwxr-xr-x 5 cats archive 4096 Feb 1 2023 A172 drwxr-xr-x 2 cats archive 254 Jul 24 2023 A173 drwxr-xr-x 2 cats archive 4096 Jul 24 2023 A24 drwxr-xr-x 2 cats archive 282 Jan 12 2023 A25 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 4096 Jan 12 2023 A26 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 241 Jan 12 2023 A39 drwxr-xr-x 4 cats archive 292 Jan 13 2023 A4 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 312 Jan 12 2023 A40 drwxr-xr-x 4 cats archive 4096 Jan 13 2023 A49 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 289 Jan 12 2023 A50 drwxr-xr-x 2 cats archive 316 Jan 12 2023 A6 drwxr-xr-x 2 cats archive 291 Jan 12 2023 A60 drwxr-xr-x 2 cats archive 4096 Jan 12 2023 A73 drwxr-xr-x 2 cats archive 322 Jan 12 2023 A8 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 4096 Jan 12 2023 A88 drwxr-xr-x 2 cats archive 247 Jan 12 2023 A89 drwxr-xr-x 2 cats archive 322 Jan 12 2023 A92 drwxr-xr-x 2 cats archive 235 Jan 12 2023 L2 -rw-r--r-- 1 cats archive 12043 Nov 29 2012 ReadMe
Beginning of ReadMe : File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/531/A103/ReadMe: 73x80 10b 0b Collisional excitation of sulfur dioxide (Cernicharo+, 2011) J/A+A/531/A103/table1.dat: 31x27 3b 0b SO_2_ calculated energy levels J/A+A/531/A103/table5.dat: 961x71 137b 40b Rate coefficients of SO_2_ in collision with J/A+A/531/A103/table6.dat: 961x71 137b 39b Rate coefficients of SO_2_ in collision with J/A+A/531/A103 =====>: 2026x80 9 287b 79b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/531/A12/ReadMe: 73x80 10b 0b Grid of Lya radiation transfer models (Schaerer+, 2011) J/A+A/531/A12/table2.dat: 68596x58 7906b 820b Predicted Lyalpha and continuum escape J/A+A/531/A12 =====>: 68669x80 7916b 820b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/531/A123/ReadMe: 83x80 10b 0b PKS 2155-304 long-term optical variability (Kastendieck+, 2011) J/A+A/531/A123/phot.dat: 6310x30 384b 106b Optical light curve (R-band) of PKS 2155-304 J/A+A/531/A123 =====>: 6393x80 0 394b 106b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/531/A124/ReadMe: 74x80 10b 0b Visibilities of stellar oscillation modes (Ballot+, 2011) J/A+A/531/A124/table1.dat: 487x34 35b 5b Visibilities of oscillation modes for Kepler J/A+A/531/A124 =====>: 561x80 8 45b 5b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/531/A141/ReadMe: 139x80 18b 0b Physical parameters of PMS in open clusters (Delgado+, 2011) J/A+A/531/A141/catalog.dat: 27040x60 11356b 1549b Photometric results and physical parameters J/A+A/531/A141/table1.dat: 11x58 3b 0b Clusters observed J/A+A/531/A141 =====>: 27190x2148 11377b 1549b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/531/A143/ReadMe: 62x80 8b 0b Rotational velocities of HR stars (Diaz+, 2011) J/A+A/531/A143/table1.dat: 251x38 15b 7b Results for 251 A1-A5 stars from the Bright Star J/A+A/531/A143 =====>: 313x80 8 23b 7b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/531/A155/ReadMe: 128x80 17b 0b BV phot. in 6 candidate intermediate-age M31 GC (Perina+, 2011) J/A+A/531/A155/b058.dat: 21883x50 2181b 696b *Stellar Photometry of the M31 GC B058 J/A+A/531/A155/b292_531.dat: 9896x 987b 358b Stellar Photometry of the M31 GCs B292 and B531 J/A+A/531/A155/b336.dat: 13235x50 1320b 453b Stellar Photometry of the M31 GC B336 J/A+A/531/A155/b337.dat: 16150x50 1610b 557b Stellar Photometry of the M31 GC B337 J/A+A/531/A155/b350.dat: 32279x50 3217b 1078b Stellar Photometry of the M31 GC B350 J/A+A/531/A155/clusters.dat: 6x62 2b 0b Cluster list J/A+A/531/A155 =====>: 93577x80 2 9334b 3142b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/531/A157/ReadMe: 187x80 21b 0b VMC II. LMC planetary nebulae (Miszalski+, 2011) J/A+A/531/A157/table23.dat: 102x99 18b 6b Basic properties and classifications of the sample J/A+A/531/A157/tablea1.dat: 102x82 18b 6b Optical magnitudes from Zaritsky et al. J/A+A/531/A157/tablea2.dat: 102x80 15b 5b VMC magnitudes J/A+A/531/A157/tablea3.dat: 102x86 19b 5b SAGE MIR magnitudes J/A+A/531/A157 =====>: 595x99 4 91b 22b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/531/A165/ReadMe: 135x80 16b 0b MILES atmospheric parameters (Prugniel+, 2011) J/A+A/531/A165/ebv_cor.dat: 55x10 3b 2b *Extinction corrections for some stars J/A+A/531/A165/miles_tgm.fits: 4170960 2347b 2045b J/A+A/531/A165/param.dat: 985x82 141b 41b Physical parameters adopted by this work J/A+A/531/A165/refs.dat: 57x90 7b 4b References J/A+A/531/A165 =====>: 1649x2880 2514b 2092b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/531/A172/ReadMe: 59x80 7b 0b Central stars of planetary nebulae. II. (Weidmann+, 2011) J/A+A/531/A172/spectra/*: 46x. 1104b 0b J/A+A/531/A172/table1.dat: 46x50 6b 3b Spectral types from our observations J/A+A/531/A172 =====>: 151x80 0 1117b 3b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/531/A173/ReadMe: 50x80 7b 0b Solar limb CaII H line spectra (Beck+, 2011) J/A+A/531/A173/data.fit: 14806x2880 83285b 66346b J/A+A/531/A173 =====>: 14856x2880 83292b 66346b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/531/A24/ReadMe: 104x80 13b 0b WASP-23 photometric and radial velocity data (Triaud+, 2011) J/A+A/531/A24/lc1.dat: 3684x35 261b 79b WASP-South R band photometry J/A+A/531/A24/lc2.dat: 7139x35 503b 150b WASP-South R band photometry J/A+A/531/A24/lc3.dat: 252x35 19b 7b Euler z band photometry J/A+A/531/A24/lc4.dat: 183x35 14b 5b Euler Gunn R band photometry J/A+A/531/A24/lc5.dat: 215x35 17b 5b FTS z' band photometry J/A+A/531/A24/lc6.dat: 264x35 20b 6b TRAPPIST I+z band photometry J/A+A/531/A24/lc7.dat: 235x35 18b 5b TRAPPIST I+z band photometry J/A+A/531/A24/rv1.dat: 38x57 6b 3b CORALIE Radial velocities J/A+A/531/A24/rv2.dat: 35x57 5b 3b HARPS Radial velocities J/A+A/531/A24 =====>: 12149x80 876b 263b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/531/A25/ReadMe: 66x80 8b 0b Linear and circular polarisation of DIBs (Cox+, 2011) J/A+A/531/A25/hd194279.dat: 249601065 32177b 8804b Stokes I, Q, U, V spectra of HD194279 J/A+A/531/A25/hd197770.dat: 249601065 32177b 8784b Stokes I, Q, U, V spectra of HD197770 J/A+A/531/A25 =====>: 499268x80 64362b 17588b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/531/A26/ReadMe: 121x80 15b 0b W31 875um observations (Beuther+, 2011) J/A+A/531/A26/images/*: 6x. 71992b 0b FITS images and maps J/A+A/531/A26/list.dat: 6x88 2b 0b FITS images and maps J/A+A/531/A26/table1.dat: 73x79 11b 5b Clump parameters for original data J/A+A/531/A26/table2.dat: 44x84 8b 4b Clump parameters for 27.5" resolution J/A+A/531/A26 =====>: 250x88 72028b 9b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/531/A39/ReadMe: 58x80 7b 0b GRB 081029 g'r'i'z'JHKs light curves (Nardini+, 2011) J/A+A/531/A39/phot.dat: 523x33 36b 10b GROND g'r'i'z'JHKs bands photometry of GRB 081029 J/A+A/531/A39 =====>: 581x80 43b 10b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/531/A4/ReadMe: 73x80 9b 0b UCDs and GC in Hydra I cluster (Misgeld+, 2011) J/A+A/531/A4/tablea1.dat: 118x55 14b 6b Catalogue of the 118 identified cluster GCs/UCDs J/A+A/531/A4 =====>: 191x80 23b 6b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/531/A40/ReadMe: 94x80 12b 0b Transits of WASP-39b (Faedi+, 2011) J/A+A/531/A40/eulerlc.dat: 78x45 9b 3b Euler photometry obtained on 9/07/2010, fig.4 J/A+A/531/A40/ftnlc.dat: 218x45 21b 6b FTN photometry obtained on 18/05/2010, fig.4 J/A+A/531/A40/table2.dat: 17x41 3b 0b Radial velocity and line bisector span of WASP-39 J/A+A/531/A40/wasplc.dat: 34766x45 3125b 865b WASP photometry (8/04/2008-17/06/2010), fig.1 J/A+A/531/A40 =====>: 35173x80 3170b 874b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/531/A49/ReadMe: 129x80 15b 0b V2368 Oph UBV, RV and spectra (Harmanec+, 2011) J/A+A/531/A49/rjd.dat: 217x48 22b 0b List of Halpha, SiII and MgII spectra J/A+A/531/A49/spectra/*: 188x. 11798b 0b J/A+A/531/A49/table2a.dat: 158x37 13b 4b All-sky Johnson V photometry of V2368 Oph J/A+A/531/A49/table2b.dat: 585x37 45b 12b Standard UBV photometry of V2368 Oph J/A+A/531/A49/table3a.dat: 153x21 8b 4b Halpha radial velocities of the primary J/A+A/531/A49/table3b.dat: 135x40 12b 5b SiII, Halpha, and MgII radial velocities of both J/A+A/531/A49 =====>: 1565x80 11913b 25b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/531/A50/ReadMe: 92x80 12b 0b Four Ae/Be stars map emission at 1mm and 3mm (Boissier+, 2011) J/A+A/531/A50/list.dat: 4x78 2b 0b List of stars J/A+A/531/A50 =====>: 96x80 14b 0b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/531/A6/ReadMe: 101x80 13b 0b Evolution of solar irradiance during Holocene (Vieira+, 2011) J/A+A/531/A6/tsi_hol.dat: 136619x4 12543b 0b TSI evolution during the Holocene J/A+A/531/A6 =====>: 136720x80 12556b 0b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/531/A60/ReadMe: 105x80 13b 0b WASP-31b photometry and radial velocities (Anderson+, 2011) J/A+A/531/A60/phot.dat: 25007x43 2151b 510b *WASP-31 deredenned and normalised differential J/A+A/531/A60/rv.dat: 57x57 8b 4b WASP-31 radial velocities measured by the J/A+A/531/A60 =====>: 25169x80 2172b 514b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/531/A73/ReadMe: 117x80 15b 0b NGC 6167 and NGC 6193 multi-photometry (Baume+, 2011) J/A+A/531/A73/ngc6167.dat: 33193x23 17635b 2663b Astometry/photometry of NGC 6167 region J/A+A/531/A73/ngc6167.vot: 265593x681 42355b 3027b J/A+A/531/A73/ngc6193.dat: 39338x298 20900b 3157b Astometry/photometry of NGC 6193 region J/A+A/531/A73/ngc6193.vot: 314753x401 50259b 3611b J/A+A/531/A73 =====>: 652994x271 3 131164b 12458b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/531/A8/ReadMe: 104x80 13b 0b Dwarfs and subgiants S-index and velocities (Jenkins+, 2011) J/A+A/531/A8/table4.dat: 890x90 160b 48b Stellar basic physical parameters, chromospheric J/A+A/531/A8 =====>: 994x90 173b 48b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/531/A88/ReadMe: 111x80 15b 0b Optical spectra of 12 Miras (Uttenthaler+, 2011) J/A+A/531/A88/sp/*: 12x. 42470b 0b J/A+A/531/A88/stars.dat: 12x82 3b 0b Star's list J/A+A/531/A88 =====>: 135x82 42488b 0b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/531/A89/ReadMe: 64x80 8b 0b Spectroscopic orbit of Capella (Weber+, 2011) J/A+A/531/A89/table1.dat: 438x37 34b 14b Barycentric STELLA radial velocities of Capella J/A+A/531/A89 =====>: 502x80 42b 14b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/531/A92/ReadMe: 102x80 14b 0b Deep all-sky census of the Hyades (Roeser+, 2011) J/A+A/531/A92/table1.dat: 724x204 291b 94b Data of 724 Hyades candidates J/A+A/531/A92 =====>: 826x204 305b 94b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/531/L2/ReadMe: 54x80 7b 0b Vega 1.3mm images (Pietu+, 2011) J/A+A/531/L2/fig1.fits: 94x2880 530b 194b J/A+A/531/L2/fig2.fits: 94x2880 530b 217b J/A+A/531/L2/list.dat: 2x90 2b 0b FITS images list J/A+A/531/L2 =====>: 244x2880 1069b 411b Total