
Subdirectories represent pages of A+A vol. 594

drwxr-xr-x 436 cats archive 8192 Apr 9 11:56 [Up] -rw-r--r-- 1 cats archive 47 Oct 6 2016 .message drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 295 Jan 12 2023 A100 drwxr-xr-x 4 cats archive 311 Jan 12 2023 A106 drwxr-xr-x 4 cats archive 265 Jan 12 2023 A115 drwxr-xr-x 6 cats archive 4096 Jan 12 2023 A116 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 236 Jan 12 2023 A117 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 4096 Mar 1 16:45 A120 drwxr-xr-x 4 cats archive 4096 Dec 8 16:57 A26 drwxr-xr-x 4 cats archive 4096 Jan 13 2023 A27 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 271 Jan 13 2023 A28 drwxr-xr-x 4 cats archive 4096 Jan 12 2023 A32 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 251 Jan 12 2023 A34 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 271 Jan 13 2023 A36 drwxr-xr-x 4 cats archive 4096 Jan 13 2023 A39 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 4096 Jan 12 2023 A43 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 226 Jan 12 2023 A50 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 319 Jan 12 2023 A54 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 4096 Jan 12 2023 A55 drwxr-xr-x 4 cats archive 265 Jan 12 2023 A58 drwxr-xr-x 4 cats archive 4096 Jan 13 2023 A59 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 4096 Jan 12 2023 A63 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 4096 Jan 12 2023 A65 drwxr-xr-x 4 cats archive 287 Jan 12 2023 A77 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 230 Jan 12 2023 A79 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 274 Jan 12 2023 A82 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 210 Jan 12 2023 A85 -rw-r--r-- 1 cats archive 15913 Dec 8 16:52 ReadMe
Beginning of ReadMe : File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/594/A100/ReadMe: 99x80 13b 0b K2 new planetary and EB candidates (Barros+, 2016) J/A+A/594/A100/table3.dat: 177x119 43b 19b Parameters for the planetary candidates J/A+A/594/A100/table5.dat: 351x119 84b 36b Parameters for the eclipsing binary candidates J/A+A/594/A100 =====>: 627x1192 140b 55b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/594/A106/ReadMe: 97x80 11b 0b eta Car velocity-resolved imaging (Weigelt+, 2016) J/A+A/594/A106/fits/*: 96x. 4416b 0b J/A+A/594/A106/list.dat: 96x90 19b 3b List of fits recontructed images J/A+A/594/A106 =====>: 289x90 0 4446b 3b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/594/A115/ReadMe: 69x80 9b 0b IRAS08589-4714 molecular gas (Saldano+, 2016) J/A+A/594/A115/fits/*: 5x. 28892b 0b J/A+A/594/A115/list.dat: 5x148 3b 0b List of fits datacubes J/A+A/594/A115 =====>: 79x1480 28904b 0b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/594/A116/ALLSKY/EQ2000/*: 4x 4b 0b J/A+A/594/A116/ALLSKY/GAL/*: 4x. 4b 0b J/A+A/594/A116/CUBES/EQ2000/*: 534 4b 0b J/A+A/594/A116/CUBES/GAL/*: 534x. 4b 0b J/A+A/594/A116/HPX/*: 192x. 92705280b 0b J/A+A/594/A116/NHI/EQ2000/*: 44x. 18b 0b J/A+A/594/A116/NHI/GAL/*: 44x. 18b 0b J/A+A/594/A116/NHI_HPX.fits: 209723993600 1179676b 0b J/A+A/594/A116/ReadMe: 193x80 23b 0b HI4PI spectra and column density maps (HI4PI team+, 2016) J/A+A/594/A116/allsky_eq.dat: 4x12 2b 0b List of all-sky FITS data cubes, Equatorial J/A+A/594/A116/allsky_gal.dat: 4x1 2b 0b List of all-sky FITS data cubes, Galactic J/A+A/594/A116/cubes_eq.dat: 534x2 32b 5b List of 20dx20d FITS data cubes, Equatorial J/A+A/594/A116/cubes_gal.dat: 534x 32b 5b List of 20dx20d FITS data cubes, Galactic J/A+A/594/A116/hpxspec.dat: 192x52 21b 8b List of HPX-grid FITS binary tables J/A+A/594/A116/nhi_eq.dat: 44x31 4b 2b List of all-sky NHI FITS images, Equatorial J/A+A/594/A116/nhi_gal.dat: 44x31 4b 2b List of all-sky NHI FITS images, Galactic J/A+A/594/A116/nhi_hpx.dat: 125829386752 1769473b 609632b HI column densities J/A+A/594/A116 =====>: 12795537x288504 95654601b 609654b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/594/A117/ReadMe: 79x80 10b 0b CO-H2 and complex organic molecules in TMC-1C (Potapov+, 2016) J/A+A/594/A117/tmc1clsb.dat: 4148214 2270b 569b Spectrum from the LSB range: 85.87-93.65GHz J/A+A/594/A117/tmc1cusb.dat: 4147652 2270b 569b Spectrum from the USB range: 101.55-109.33GHz J/A+A/594/A117 =====>: 83037x80 6 4550b 1138b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/594/A120/ReadMe: 169x80 21b 0b Gaia-ESO Survey J/A+A/594/A120/tablea1.dat: 21x59 4b 3b Observational data for the Gaia-ESO stars J/A+A/594/A120/tablea2.dat: 21x92 5b 3b Stellar parameters and Halpha measurements for J/A+A/594/A120/tablea3.dat: 72x59 10b 4b Observational data for the Gaia-ESO stars in J/A+A/594/A120/tablea4.dat: 72x65 11b 5b Stellar parameters and Halpha measurements for J/A+A/594/A120/tablea5.dat: 48x74 8b 4b Stellar parameters and Halpha measurements for J/A+A/594/A120 =====>: 403x92 1 59b 19b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/594/A26/ReadMe: 432x80 55b 0b Second Planck Catalogue of Compact Sources (PCCS2) Planck+, 2016) J/A+A/594/A26/fits/*: 15x. 58768b 0b J/A+A/594/A26/pccs030.dat: 1560x43 1327b 367b Second Catalogue of Compact Sources, 30GHz J/A+A/594/A26/pccs044.dat: 934x434 795b 218b Second Catalogue of Compact Sources, 44GHz J/A+A/594/A26/pccs070.dat: 1296x43 1103b 292b Second Catalogue of Compact Sources, 70GHz J/A+A/594/A26/pccs100.dat: 1742x50 1706b 481b Second Catalogue of Compact Sources, 100GHz J/A+A/594/A26/pccs100e.dat: 2487x56 2474b 715b Second Catalogue of Compact Sources, 100GHz, J/A+A/594/A26/pccs143.dat: 2160x50 2115b 591b Second Catalogue of Compact Sources, 143GHz J/A+A/594/A26/pccs143e.dat: 4139x49 3979b 1158b Second Catalogue of Compact Sources, 143GHz, J/A+A/594/A26/pccs217.dat: 2135x50 2091b 607b Second Catalogue of Compact Sources, 217GHz J/A+A/594/A26/pccs217e.dat: 16842x52 16679b 4921b Second Catalogue of Compact Sources, 217GHz, J/A+A/594/A26/pccs353.dat: 1344x50 1317b 387b Second Catalogue of Compact Sources, 353GHz J/A+A/594/A26/pccs353e.dat: 22665x490 22445b 6657b Second Catalogue of Compact Sources, 353GHz, J/A+A/594/A26/pccs545.dat: 1694x50 1659b 367b Second Catalogue of Compact Sources, 545GHz J/A+A/594/A26/pccs545e.dat: 31068x408 30766b 6531b Second Catalogue of Compact Sources, 545GHz, J/A+A/594/A26/pccs857.dat: 4891x57 5485b 1417b Second Catalogue of Compact Sources, 857GHz J/A+A/594/A26/pccs857e.dat: 43290x940 49633b 0b Second Catalogue of Compact Sources, 857GHz, J/A+A/594/A26 =====>: 138694x586 202397b 24709b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/594/A27/ReadMe: 282x80 36b 0b Planck Sunyaev-Zeldovich sources (PSZ2) (Planck+, 2016) J/A+A/594/A27/fits/*: 4x. 1844438b 0b J/A+A/594/A27/psz2.dat: 1653x360 1167b 278b Second SZ catalogue (PSZ2) (Union catalog) J/A+A/594/A27/pszmmf1.dat: 1227x12 311b 116b MMF1 pipeline J/A+A/594/A27/pszmmf3.dat: 1271x12 322b 129b MMF3 pipeline J/A+A/594/A27/pszpws.dat: 1079x128 273b 111b PowellSnakes pipeline J/A+A/594/A27 =====>: 5516x360 1846547b 634b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/594/A28/ReadMe: 477x80 66b 0b Planck Catalogue of Galactic cold clumps (PGCC) (Planck+, 2016) J/A+A/594/A28/pgcc.dat: 13242x1331 34451b 7314b Planck Catalogue of Galactic Cold Clumps (PGCC) J/A+A/594/A28 =====>: 13719x1331 34517b 7314b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/594/A32/ReadMe: 145x80 18b 0b 3XMM/SDSS Stripe 82 Galaxy Cluster Survey. I. (Takey+, 2016) J/A+A/594/A32/table2.dat: 54x214 24b 9b Galaxy cluster catalogue J/A+A/594/A32/table2.fits: 8x2880 46b 14b J/A+A/594/A32/table3.dat: 40x85 8b 4b Cluster candidate catalogue J/A+A/594/A32/table3.fits: 4x2880 24b 7b J/A+A/594/A32 =====>: 251x2880 120b 34b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/594/A34/ReadMe: 101x80 13b 0b Young star groups in NGC 300 (Rodriguez+, 2016) J/A+A/594/A34/table2.dat: 1147x95 217b 73b Characteristics of 1147 young star groups J/A+A/594/A34 =====>: 1248x95 230b 73b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/594/A36/ReadMe: 104x80 13b 0b CALIFA Survey DR3 list of galaxies (Sanchez+, 2016) J/A+A/594/A36/list.dat: 667x53 72b 21b List of the objects included in the DR3 J/A+A/594/A36 =====>: 771x80 85b 21b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/594/A39/ReadMe: 173x80 19b 0b LAMOST-Kepler parameters and activity indicators (Frasca+, 2016) J/A+A/594/A39/tablea3.dat: 61753x169 20988b 5010b Stellar parameters J/A+A/594/A39/tablea4.dat: 577x145 166b 0b Activity indicators J/A+A/594/A39 =====>: 62503x173 21173b 5010b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/594/A43/ReadMe: 194x80 23b 0b APOGEE/Kepler sample stars abundances (Hawkins+, 2016) J/A+A/594/A43/cluster.dat: 127x367 94b 21b (3 headlines) The stellar parameters and chemical abundances J/A+A/594/A43/clusterl.dat: 7419x5 784b 107b (3 headlines) The line-by-line abundances for each element and J/A+A/594/A43/field.dat: 1989x366 1428b 297b (3 headlines) The stellar parameters and chemical abundances J/A+A/594/A43/fieldl.dat: 124053x5 13086b 1819b (3 headlines) The line-by-line abundances for each element and J/A+A/594/A43 =====>: 133782x367 15415b 2244b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/594/A50/ReadMe: 74x80 10b 0b K2-30 b and K2-34 b K2 light curves (Lillo-Box+, 2016) J/A+A/594/A50/table1.dat: 287x30 19b 6b Detrended photometric K2 light curve of K2-30 J/A+A/594/A50/table2.dat: 417x30 27b 8b Detrended photometric K2 light curve of K2-34 J/A+A/594/A50 =====>: 778x80 56b 14b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/594/A54/A1689_J.fits: 23361x9680 131407b 0b J/A+A/594/A54/ReadMe: 88x80 11b 0b A 1689 HAWK-I J-band image (Petrushevska+, 2016) J/A+A/594/A54/list.dat: 1x111 2b 0b Information of fits image J/A+A/594/A54 =====>: 23450x2880 131420b 0b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/594/A55/ReadMe: 181x80 22b 0b xi Tau UBV and MOST light curves (Nemravova+, 2016) J/A+A/594/A55/tabled1.dat: 675x37 52b 19b Radial velocity measurements J/A+A/594/A55/tabled2.dat: 18510x3 1195b 250b Photometry acquired with the satellite MOST J/A+A/594/A55/tabled3.dat: 598x32 40b 8b Photometry acquired in the Johnson U filter J/A+A/594/A55/tabled4.dat: 610x32 41b 8b Photometry acquired in the Johnson B filter J/A+A/594/A55/tabled5.dat: 613x32 41b 8b Photometry acquired in the Johnson V filter J/A+A/594/A55/tabled6.dat: 18276x7 2786b 397b Squared visibility moduli J/A+A/594/A55/tabled7.dat: 4856x11 1073b 129b Closure phases J/A+A/594/A55 =====>: 44319x112 5250b 819b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/594/A58/ReadMe: 86x80 12b 0b Hi-GAL l=224deg region CO(1-0) data cubes (Olmi+, 2016) J/A+A/594/A58/fits/*: 4x. 304904b 0b J/A+A/594/A58/list.dat: 4x109 2b 0b *List of data cubes J/A+A/594/A58 =====>: 94x109 304918b 0b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/594/A59/ReadMe: 143x80 18b 0b Far-IR lines in YSOs Herschel-PACS (Riviere-Marichalar+, 2016) J/A+A/594/A59/tableb1.dat: 362x75 48b 15b Sample description, including name, position, J/A+A/594/A59/tableb2.dat: 432x101 88b 23b Line and continuum fluxes from central spaxel J/A+A/594/A59/tableb3.dat: 230x80 38b 11b [OI] line flux from central spaxel, J/A+A/594/A59 =====>: 1167x101 192b 49b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/594/A63/ReadMe: 253x80 28b 0b International Deep Planet Survey results (Galicher+, 2016) J/A+A/594/A63/bintab.dat: 138x119 34b 9b Multiple stellar systems (for 67 stars) J/A+A/594/A63/candtab.dat: 2256x14 654b 89b Confirmed/TBC exoplanets/Backgd objects J/A+A/594/A63/deteclim.dat: 526x12 135b 26b 5sigma contrast detection limits J/A+A/594/A63/refs.dat: 68x80 10b 5b References J/A+A/594/A63/starlist.dat: 286x12 72b 18b Stellar parameters J/A+A/594/A63 =====>: 3527x147 933b 147b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/594/A65/ReadMe: 153x80 20b 0b GTC transit light curves of HAT-P-32b (Nortmann+, 2016) J/A+A/594/A65/ch01.dat: 700x63 89b 14b HAT-P-32 GTC narrowband channel (518-538nm) J/A+A/594/A65/ch02.dat: 700x63 89b 13b HAT-P-32 GTC narrowband channel (538-558nm) J/A+A/594/A65/ch03.dat: 700x63 89b 13b HAT-P-32 GTC narrowband channel (558-578nm) J/A+A/594/A65/ch04.dat: 700x63 89b 13b HAT-P-32 GTC narrowband channel (578-598nm) J/A+A/594/A65/ch05.dat: 700x63 89b 13b HAT-P-32 GTC narrowband channel (598-618nm) J/A+A/594/A65/ch06.dat: 700x63 89b 13b HAT-P-32 GTC narrowband channel (618-638nm) J/A+A/594/A65/ch07.dat: 700x63 89b 13b HAT-P-32 GTC narrowband channel (638-658nm) J/A+A/594/A65/ch08.dat: 700x63 89b 13b HAT-P-32 GTC narrowband channel (658-678nm) J/A+A/594/A65/ch09.dat: 700x63 89b 13b HAT-P-32 GTC narrowband channel (678-698nm) J/A+A/594/A65/ch10.dat: 700x63 89b 13b HAT-P-32 GTC narrowband channel (698-718mn) J/A+A/594/A65/ch11.dat: 700x63 89b 13b HAT-P-32 GTC narrowband channel (718-738nm) J/A+A/594/A65/ch12.dat: 700x63 89b 13b HAT-P-32 GTC narrowband channel (738-758nm) J/A+A/594/A65/ch13.dat: 700x63 89b 13b HAT-P-32 GTC narrowband channel (758-778nm) J/A+A/594/A65/ch13b.dat: 700x63 89b 13b HAT-P-32 GTC narrowband channel (763-778nm) J/A+A/594/A65/ch14.dat: 700x63 89b 13b HAT-P-32 GTC narrowband channel (778-798nm) J/A+A/594/A65/ch15.dat: 700x63 89b 13b HAT-P-32 GTC narrowband channel (798-818nm) J/A+A/594/A65/ch16.dat: 700x63 89b 13b HAT-P-32 GTC narrowband channel (818-838nm) J/A+A/594/A65/ch17.dat: 700x63 89b 13b HAT-P-32 GTC narrowband channel (838-858nm) J/A+A/594/A65/ch18.dat: 700x63 89b 13b HAT-P-32 GTC narrowband channel (858-878nm) J/A+A/594/A65/ch19.dat: 700x63 89b 13b HAT-P-32 GTC narrowband channel (878-898nm) J/A+A/594/A65/ch20.dat: 700x63 89b 13b HAT-P-32 GTC narrowband channel (898-918nm) J/A+A/594/A65/wlc_run1.dat: 296x99 59b 19b HAT-P-32 GTC transit white light curve Run 1 J/A+A/594/A65/wlc_run2.dat: 700x99 138b 41b HAT-P-32 GTC transit white light curve Run 2 J/A+A/594/A65 =====>: 15849x99 2086b 334b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/594/A77/ReadMe: 117x80 15b 0b KMOS star-forming galaxies Halpha data cubes (Di Teodoro+, 2016) J/A+A/594/A77/fits/*: 18x. 7984b 0b J/A+A/594/A77/list.dat: 18x139 6b 3b List of datacubes J/A+A/594/A77/table1.dat: 18x89 5b 3b The sample of 18 disc galaxies at z 1 analyzed J/A+A/594/A77 =====>: 171x139 8010b 6b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/594/A79/ReadMe: 98x80 12b 0b NGC 6121 turnoff and subgiant stars abundances (Spite+, 2016) J/A+A/594/A79/table3.dat: 91x75 15b 5b Abundances measured in our sample of M4 stars J/A+A/594/A79/table4.dat: 91x75 15b 5b Abundances measured in our sample of M4 stars J/A+A/594/A79 =====>: 280x80 42b 10b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/594/A82/ReadMe: 125x80 15b 0b XMM sources in IC 1805 (Rauw+, 2016) J/A+A/594/A82/tablea1.dat: 191x167 49b 0b List of X-ray sources detected with XMM-Newton J/A+A/594/A82 =====>: 316x167 64b 0b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/594/A85/ReadMe: 148x80 20b 0b 2D disk models from CO isotopologues line (Miotello+, 2016) J/A+A/594/A85/tablea4.dat: 210x353 147b 56b Parameters of the T Tauri models and simulated J/A+A/594/A85/tablea5.dat: 210x353 147b 56b Parameters of the Herbig models and simulated J/A+A/594/A85 =====>: 568x353 314b 112b Total