
Subdirectories represent pages of ApJ vol. 723

drwxr-xr-x 548 cats archive 12288 Mar 22 14:37 [Up] -rw-r--r-- 1 cats archive 47 Nov 9 2010 .message drwxr-xr-x 2 cats archive 223 Jan 13 2023 L223 -rw-r--r-- 1 cats archive 8687 Aug 27 2014 ReadMe drwxr-xr-x 2 cats archive 327 Jan 13 2023 47 drwxr-xr-x 2 cats archive 271 Jan 13 2023 251 drwxr-xr-x 2 cats archive 291 Jan 13 2023 492 drwxr-xr-x 2 cats archive 250 Jan 13 2023 658 drwxr-xr-x 2 cats archive 4096 Jan 13 2023 684 drwxr-xr-x 2 cats archive 283 Jan 12 2023 737 drwxr-xr-x 2 cats archive 204 Jan 13 2023 845 drwxr-xr-x 2 cats archive 269 Jan 13 2023 895 drwxr-xr-x 4 cats archive 311 Jan 13 2023 915 drwxr-xr-x 2 cats archive 222 Jan 13 2023 954 drwxr-xr-x 2 cats archive 4096 Jan 13 2023 985 drwxr-xr-x 2 cats archive 294 Jan 13 2023 993 drwxr-xr-x 2 cats archive 4096 Jan 13 2023 1019 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 4096 Jan 13 2023 1072 drwxr-xr-x 2 cats archive 327 Jan 13 2023 1110 drwxr-xr-x 2 cats archive 4096 Jan 13 2023 1119 drwxr-xr-x 2 cats archive 272 Jan 13 2023 1195 drwxr-xr-x 2 cats archive 4096 Jan 13 2023 1469 drwxr-xr-x 2 cats archive 4096 Jan 13 2023 1542 drwxr-xr-x 2 cats archive 323 Jan 13 2023 1632 drwxr-xr-x 4 cats archive 4096 Jan 13 2023 1678
Beginning of ReadMe : File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/ApJ/723/L223/ReadMe: 83x80 11b 0b Radial velocities of HAT-P-11 (Winn+, 2010) J/ApJ/723/L223/table1.dat: 182x25 11b 5b Relative RV measurements of HAT-P-11 J/ApJ/723/L223 =====>: 265x80 0 22b 5b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/ApJ/723/47/ReadMe: 123x80 16b 0b IfA Deep SN rates (Rodney+, 2010) J/ApJ/723/47/table1.dat: 23x62 4b 3b Redshift validation subset: 23 spectroscopically J/ApJ/723/47/table2.dat: 131x74 19b 7b SOFT results for 131 TN SN candidates J/ApJ/723/47 =====>: 277x80 39b 10b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/ApJ/723/251/ReadMe: 151x80 19b 0b Keck/LRIS confirmation of Coma membership (Chiboucas+, 2010) J/ApJ/723/251/table2.dat: 101x120 25b 9b LRIS (membership test sample) redshift results J/ApJ/723/251 =====>: 252x120 44b 9b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/ApJ/723/492/ReadMe: 95x80 12b 0b Physical properties of GRS molecular clouds (Roman-Duval+, 2010) J/ApJ/723/492/table1.dat: 749x94 140b 49b Catalog of Molecular Cloud's Masses and Physical J/ApJ/723/492 =====>: 844x94 152b 49b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/ApJ/723/658/ReadMe: 125x80 15b 0b The halo PN BoBn 1 spectra (Otsuka+, 2010) J/ApJ/723/658/table23.dat: 624x88 71b 21b Observed and reddening corrected line ratios J/ApJ/723/658 =====>: 749x88 86b 21b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/ApJ/723/684/ReadMe: 165x80 21b 0b NIRSPEC ultracool dwarf RV survey (Blake+, 2010) J/ApJ/723/684/table1.dat: 59x54 8b 4b L dwarf sample J/ApJ/723/684/table2.dat: 273x36 21b 7b Table of RV measurements J/ApJ/723/684/table3.dat: 59x61 9b 4b Measured properties of L dwarfs J/ApJ/723/684/table10.dat: 55x66 9b 5b UVW velocity components J/ApJ/723/684 =====>: 611x80 68b 20b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/ApJ/723/737/ReadMe: 109x80 14b 0b Catalog of variability selected AGN in GOODS (Villforth+, 2010) J/ApJ/723/737/table5.dat: 155x121 38b 11b Basic properties of variability selected AGN J/ApJ/723/737 =====>: 264x121 52b 11b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/ApJ/723/845/ReadMe: 77x80 10b 0b The submillimeter spectrum of glycolaldehyde (Carroll+, 2010) J/ApJ/723/845/table2.dat: 1412x55 150b 38b Assigned transitions for the the ground vibrational J/ApJ/723/845 =====>: 1489x80 160b 38b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/ApJ/723/895/ReadMe: 113x80 14b 0b IR luminosities and aromatic features of 5MUSES (Wu+, 2010) J/ApJ/723/895/table2.dat: 280x98 56b 20b General properties of the sample J/ApJ/723/895 =====>: 393x98 70b 20b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/ApJ/723/915/ReadMe: 117x80 15b 0b BLAST view of Aquila star-forming region (Rivera-Ingraham+, 2010) J/ApJ/723/915/table1.dat: 131x94 23b 6b Submillimeter Clumps in the BLAST Aquila Map J/ApJ/723/915/table2.dat: 91x40 9b 3b Coordinates of CORNISH sources in the BLAST J/ApJ/723/915 =====>: 339x94 47b 9b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/ApJ/723/954/ReadMe: 92x80 12b 0b HIRES radial velocities of GJ 581 (Vogt+, 2010) J/ApJ/723/954/table1.dat: 122x22 7b 4b Radial velocities for GJ 581 J/ApJ/723/954 =====>: 214x80 19b 4b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/ApJ/723/985/ReadMe: 108x80 14b 0b Orientation of galaxies in GCs (Godlowski+, 2010) J/ApJ/723/985/table4.dat: 248x72 36b 14b The list of investivated clusters J/ApJ/723/985 =====>: 356x80 50b 14b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/ApJ/723/993/ReadMe: 110x80 14b 0b Spatial extent of (U)LIRGs in the MIR. I. (Diaz-Santos+, 2010) J/ApJ/723/993/table1.dat: 221x88 38b 14b Properties of the sample J/ApJ/723/993 =====>: 331x88 52b 14b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/ApJ/723/1019/ReadMe: 127x80 16b 0b Galactic SFR and gas surface densities (Heiderman+, 2010) J/ApJ/723/1019/table1.dat: 21x96 5b 3b Measured quantities for clouds J/ApJ/723/1019/table3.dat: 100x103 19b 6b Properties of suspicious YSOs and MISFITS (for J/ApJ/723/1019 =====>: 248x1036 40b 9b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/ApJ/723/1072/ReadMe: 148x80 17b 0b The ELM survey. I. Low-mass WDs (Brown+, 2010) J/ApJ/723/1072/table1.dat: 12x83 3b 0b White dwarf physical parameters J/ApJ/723/1072/table2.dat: 12x87 3b 0b Binary orbital parameters J/ApJ/723/1072/table3.dat: 184x34 14b 6b Radial velocity measurements (also named A.1 in J/ApJ/723/1072 =====>: 356x87 6 37b 6b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/ApJ/723/1110/ReadMe: 132x80 17b 0b MIPS 24um observations of the HDFS (Huynh+, 2010) J/ApJ/723/1110/table1.dat: 495x70 70b 22b The MIPS 24 micron catalog J/ApJ/723/1110/table4.dat: 9x75 3b 0b Summary of radio Sources that have no MIPS 24um J/ApJ/723/1110 =====>: 636x80 5 90b 22b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/ApJ/723/1119/ReadMe: 97x80 13b 0b Populations of radio galaxies at z<0.3 (Lin+, 2010) J/ApJ/723/1119/table4.dat: 1040x10 213b 87b Basic properties of radio galaxies J/ApJ/723/1119 =====>: 1137x1030 226b 87b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/ApJ/723/1195/ReadMe: 111x80 15b 0b SAGE evolved stars P-L relations (Riebel+, 2010) J/ApJ/723/1195/table2.dat: 30747x15 9970b 2311b Source list of AGB candidates J/ApJ/723/1195 =====>: 30858x1655 9985b 2311b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/ApJ/723/1469/ReadMe: 119x80 15b 0b Flux calibrations and WZ Oph photometry (Wilson+, 2010) J/ApJ/723/1469/table2.dat: 829x141 231b 59b *C_band_'s and C_band_ ratios for individual stars J/ApJ/723/1469/table14.dat: 751x40 62b 18b New WZ Oph photometric observations J/ApJ/723/1469 =====>: 1699x1419 308b 77b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/ApJ/723/1542/ReadMe: 143x80 18b 0b Optical high-resolution spectroscopy of WTTSs (Xing, 2010) J/ApJ/723/1542/table1.dat: 19x65 4b 3b Photometric results and other parameters of our J/ApJ/723/1542/table2.dat: 108x76 17b 6b Photometric results and other parameters of WTTSs J/ApJ/723/1542 =====>: 270x80 3 39b 9b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/ApJ/723/1632/ReadMe: 126x80 16b 0b Abundance spreads in Bootes I and Segue 1 (Norris+, 2010) J/ApJ/723/1632/table1.dat: 122x64 17b 8b Observational data and derived heliocentric J/ApJ/723/1632/table2.dat: 134x64 19b 8b Observational data and derived heliocentric J/ApJ/723/1632/table3.dat: 16x68 4b 3b Observational data and derived atmospheric J/ApJ/723/1632/table4.dat: 6x67 2b 0b Observational data and derived atmospheric J/ApJ/723/1632 =====>: 404x80 4 58b 19b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/ApJ/723/1678/ReadMe: 212x80 26b 0b LensPerfect A1689 analysis (Coe+, 2010) J/ApJ/723/1678/table4.dat: 113x49 13b 5b Spectroscopic redshifts of galaxies within the J/ApJ/723/1678/table5.dat: 135x107 30b 11b Multiple images produced by A1689 of 42 galaxies J/ApJ/723/1678/table6.dat: 33x40 4b 3b Extra knots identified in the multiple images J/ApJ/723/1678/table7.dat: 42x39 5b 2b Multiple image systems J/ApJ/723/1678 =====>: 535x1070 78b 21b Total